Matrix nominating Small Business Owners
● 190 nominations: 0 invitations
● 190 minimum Matrix score:
● 491 nominations: 0 invitations
● 491 minimum Matrix score:
Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders
● 190 nomination: 2 invitations
● 491 nomination: 0 invitations
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations:
● 190 nomination: 17 invitations
● 190 minimum Matrix score: 95 (accountants - nil invited )
● 491 nomination: 60 invitations
● 491 minimum Matrix score: 65 (accountants: 100)
The minimum ranking score is an indication only and not a guarantee that an invitation was issued. Ranking may depend on date and time of Matrix submission. Invitations will not be issued if you have an active application in the system; or have previously received ACT nomination
2021-2022 Allocation of ACT Nomination Places
● Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 1400 places
● Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 600 places
Application Count at 1 October 2021
● ACT 491 nomination: 348 approvals / 91 refusals
● ACT 190 nomination: 153 approvals / 35 refusals
Remaining Allocation 2021-2022
● ACT 491 nomination: 1052 places
● ACT 190 nomination: 447 places